Free Beauty Trials Can Be Costly
The quest for eternal youth has been on our horizon for thousands of years. From the Greeks to the Romans to the Japanese! ‘Fountain of Youth’ treatments, have colored our reality spanning from magical healing springs, to mud masks, to energy boosters, to healing miracle supplements, to rejuvenating creams & potions, to popular wrinkle erasing injections, etc., One thing is for sure, preferring to remain as ‘youthful’ as possible crosses all cultures. Obviously, we do know that aging is part of life and youth will never be bottled and captured! Still, feeling and looking younger is an obsession. Demand seems to always, for one reason or another, open the flood gates to snake oil salesmen and scammers! Why should we be surprised by fake claims sprouting at every internet search? Why should we be stunned by dishonest businesses and deceitful advertising? A couple of contacts approached me via LinkedIn, a woman who works in marketing in a Fortune 500 company and a physician. They asked me to write something about the so called ‘free beauty trial products’! I had seen the ads but never really gave it much thought.
Enticing people by offering something for free is a clever ploy! I don’t have a problem with that. It’s not a new advertising tactic. Aren’t coupons, discounts and sales a form of that! Every holiday seems to be tagged with a major sale at every corner department store. The problem isn’t with the offer nor the claim but the dishonesty behind some of the ‘free beauty trials.’ There are not trying to introduce you to a new product nor service, just misleading you into a financial agreement! And that’s why I’m posting this. I didn’t try these products and don’t have any desire to do so. I have been using the same brand for years and visit my nearest department store for it. I stay clear from online purchases whenever possible. So, when I looked into it, I was astonished by how many ‘free beauty trials’ do exist! Beware of such offers! Most are scams and basically a clever way to tie you into a financial agreement. Yes, that’s correct, whether you intended to or not! It’s not a question of reading the fine print but merely checking or not checking a box as you’re ordering that ‘free trial.’ Beware of hidden terms that you’re agreeing to that can be debiting your account, on a monthly basis, for what is a labeled as ‘use of website,’ ‘subscriptions,’ ‘newsletter’ or new products. The two women asked me to check out a company by the name of Neuvia. The first woman, managed to cancel her account early enough but felt that my sharing on social media about such dishonest business practices might be helpful to others. Even though unhappy about being charged almost $200.00, she decided not to waste any energy dealing with returns and the company. The second woman, let’s call her Julie, is by the way, an accomplished business woman and scientist, not easily fooled by gimmicks of any kind. Late one night, she decided to try one of these ‘free’ trials and didn’t think much of it. She was looking to see if one of the creams will work at diminishing her under-eye circles. She was willing to spend some money after the original ‘free’ trial if the product improved her under-eye circles. A little more sleep and less computer time would have given her better results! Considering Julie’s request was the second one, I had gotten, about the same company, I was intrigued. One quick internet search and I was astonished at how many ‘rip-off and warning comments,’ do exist about such companies. To be fair to the company, I checked out their website and read their ‘terms and condition’ section. I have included a cut and paste from that below. Still, I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, and opted to call their customer service department and email them before I wrote anything about them. And, here’s what happened.
The facts between customer and company: Julie wanted to try the eye serum and she clicked on the ‘free trial’. She ordered just ONE item for $91.88 but realized when she received the package that it contained two items, the item she bought and a second smaller bottle. There was no invoice, no paper, no information of any kind in the package. She thought they had sent a free sample. A few days later while checking her card’s account statements she realized that she had been charged ~$200 instead of $91.88, thus double the amount she had agreed to. In addition she saw there was another new charge of $200. Julie was charged almost $400.00. Immediately, she called the company. The account was “canceled” but she was told it is not possible to cancel the new package since it was already in transit. When she got angry, she was asked to call again when she receives the package and she will be given instructions on how to return it. Obviously, that was a lie!
Here are the facts:
1-Julie did not sign up for any automatic renewal. She had called to return the initial package as soon as she received it. She was still within her 14 days trial phase. (This is one of the factors in ‘terms and conditions’ that they get you on!) She indicated that she didn’t like the way the serum felt, that it cakes, few minutes, after use. She was told to pat it and to give it a little time. She insisted that they’d at least indicate that she’d cancelled auto ship and auto bill. She never thought about double checking and seeing that the account was or was not cancelled. But then when she got her statement she noticed that she was charged another $200.00. She called and expressed her concern about being billed and was told that she would be refunded if she’s not happy. She notified the agent that she will be returning all and to please cancel her subscription and renewal. She was told it was too early to cancel and that she had to wait to do so. That was dishonest! She had called Buy Neuvia Eye Serum while still on her 14 day trial period. Unfortunately she was told not to send back her unused product (which is seen in photo). The product wasn’t used and there shouldn’t have been any reason whatsoever for her not to return it. That will later on be used as the excuse for not refunding her money. Read all sections in website before clicking on OK. Look for short periods of returns and cancellation fees. Neuvia has a list of conditions that need to happen during their “15 days to complete cancellation and avoid being charged the standard monthly membership fee.”
2-Julie called again and told one of the reps that she wasn’t interested in the product. She basically said that she wanted a refund and wanted again to ensure that membership was cancelled. She indicated to the agent (again) that she has the initial bottle still completely full and (now) another unopened package. She told the agent that she was told ‘it was too early to cancel and to wait longer, at least 30 days.’ Now she is being told that it is too late and couldn’t return her unopened package and get a refund. Well, something doesn’t sound right! Is this good marketing? Still unsure what to do with unopened box of unused products, she calls me. And, I convince her to return all. BTW, Julie had never used the services of Buy Neuvia nor its site and never posted or commented at any of its forums. She was finally told that she was cancelled.
3-Julie has returned the product certified mail. One box as you can see was never opened until the day she opted to return all and include the other unopened bottle of serum. Photo of package with UPS label showing that address seal was never broken and items still intact was emailed to company. All was mailed to Einyx LLC 514 N. Center Street, Appleton, WI, 54911. BTW, the address that’s given for all returns on the site and on all affiliated websites is a house in WI, weird, right?
Here’s what Neuvia website gives you for General Inquiries:
“If you have a general inquiry or just require further information we can also be contacted via email at”
((((This email never works and it bounces back))))
“If you have an inquiry requiring immediate attention, please contact us by telephone by calling (888) 566–8763 and we’ll deal with your question right away. Lines are open Monday to Friday 9AM to 6PM EST. Returns can be reached at: Einyx LLC 316 South CT, Appleton, WI 54911. Phone: (888) 566–8763. 2015 All Rights Reserved”
And, here’s the link to the address given for all returns. It’s a house in WI and here’s link to its listing:, Sold, Last sold $400,000 (Sep 2014)4 bed · 2.5 bath · 2,512 sq ft
The email saga: So I drafted an email and I explained that I was approached by two of their disgruntled customers, explaining that they were charged for a subscription even though they had only opted for the ‘free trial’ and decided to cancel. The first woman called her bank, and threw away whatever left over products remained but the second decided to return all products in the same unopened box sent to her by the company. I know that because she took a photo of the box, opened it in front of me and inserted the remainder products in it. No seals were broken and all products could have been resold. Nothing was used. A snapshot is included of what was shipped back to the company. I tried to email the company via their website and also via the email that their customer service had. Drum roll, please! My emails kept bouncing back! To be fair, I did a second web-search and tried to email from different computers, thinking maybe I misspelled something! Guess what! Still bounced back! I really didn’t think this entire thing was going to be this time consuming. I thought for sure a company that’s charging hundreds of dollars for what they call ‘subscription for use of website’ and ‘support’ would have a functioning email. After all, Neuvia refers to that in their own, ‘terms and policy’ section! But, I didn’t see any forums nor support to speak of!
Neuvia quotes that in their ‘terms and policy’ section (see below) but I didn’t see any comments, forums or helpful support bloggings! Deceitful claims and misleading advertising are major understatements. Again, I don’t know if the Neuvia serums or creams work or not. I haven’t tried them and do not intend on doing so. So, this post isn’t a review of any kind. It’s just a post about a practice that is harming to consumers and misleading to say the least. I usually don’t write articles about beauty products and consumer goods but I’m making an exception.
The call to NEUVIA customer service saga: You thought dealing with the phone company or an internet provider was a nightmare, think again! Try dealing with the customer service of NEUVIA. I called and called and kept repeating the reason for my call to one rep after another, who go by the names of agent 670 and agent 275! Someone must have thought assigning numbers ‘a la’ spy agency sounds businesslike! I tried not to prejudge any of that and kept on repeating my story. Since, that was going nowhere, I decided to just ask for an email that works. I thought maybe that would go further. To my astonishment, several of the agents I spoke with were totally dismayed by my request. I guess no one had asked them for an email before. After many transfers to supervisors and a considerable wait time, I was given an email. They said that Revita Youth is the parent company and to try emailing to Of course the email given to me didn’t work and bounced back. I had to call again and again. Then I decided to check out that website and send an email via that site. Finally that email address worked.
BTW, Julie was billed by also another company by the name of Elite Wrinkle Cream! I’m sure Revita Youth, Neuvia and Elite Wrinkle Ceam are only a few DBA and AKA names these products are sold under!
Second email saga: Now, that I had an email that worked I decided to email and see if one of the reps will try and handle this matter and possibly refund Julie some of her money if not all of her money. I’m sure most of the replies were auto computer generated as I would have gotten a clearer response from an Alien on Mars. I explained in the email that I was a journalist and I was approached by a couple of their customers. What company wouldn’t try to prevent negative write-ups if they could? At least I believed that and thought I was giving them a fair chance to fix things. After all I was the one who convince Julie to return all unused products back to NEUVIA, to that house in Wisconsin, even though she was told by their reps that ‘it was too late to do so’. Too late? That doesn’t make any sense! Some retail stores accept returns months later! Why wouldn’t an online company stand behind its products and promises? And, we’re talking about untouched products still in their original package! Clear as day!
After weeks of emailing back and forth, being told that my request couldn’t be honored online for Julie’s protection and to have her call them. I thought maybe someone had seen the light! I was mistaken. Julie did call and of course none of the reps knew anything about it. I decided to play along and told her to give the ticket number and mention the email that asked for her to call. And, nothing! They said they will forward on her message to the higher ups! I’m sure they’re far away in another galaxy and getting a response is going to take a while! The last email I received from them announced that they had just cancelled Julie’s account and given me a confirmation number. I did email back and said that her account had been cancelled for a while and all products returned. Then, I get another cookie-cutter reply that products weren’t returned in the first 15 days! With that response, I decided to give up!
Why would you launch in business to deceive customers? What’s the longevity in that? Why would you even have customer service if they don’t even know how to find a company email address that works? Hopefully, my post is helpful if you’re tempted by one of the ‘free’ beauty trials out there! Step carefully, and read through all their terms and conditions! Don’t check any boxes without double checking what it’ll be binding you to. There are many blogs that will post complaints if you have them and here’s one! And, of course you can always check with the BBB.
Beware of Free Trials for Wrinkle Creams | Womens Blog Talk
BTW, watch all auto renewal anniversaries, on all products! Even if you’ve cancelled one, it doesn’t hurt to double check. I had done just that with a website developer and was billed anyways for another year. Lucky for me, I had the emails with their customer service rep to back up that I wanted to cancel.
Here’s link to Revita Youth video:
“4.6 By placing an order with us, you agree to our full terms and conditions and the enrollment our monthly auto-ship program, where you will immediately be billed the shipping and handling amount of $5.94. We will then immediately ship you your first bottle of Buy Neuvia Eye Serum. In 18 days (approximately 4 days for shipping and 14 days to try the product), your credit card will be automatically charged the full retail price of $92.97 (+ $5.94 shipping). You will then be shipped a recurring supply of our product every 30 days and will be charged $92.97 (+ $5.94 shipping) for each recurring product that is shipped to you until you cancel. If our product is not right for you, simply call (888) 566–8763 or contact us via email at to cancel your membership and owe nothing more.”
(That email deosn’t work and bounces back! ))))
“In order to access and use certain services, features or functions of the Buy Neuvia Serum Services, such as our Postings (including Comments) submissions, Communities, and in general any interactive feature of the Buy Neuvia SerumServices, we require users to register and create an account. As part of the registration process, you will need to select and provide us with a unique user name and choose a password which must form a unique combination (a “User ID”), you shall provide your valid e-mail address, telephone number, mailing address, birthday, credit card information, and we may request that you provide other information that we may require. We may also, from time to time and at any time, provide users with additional codes or passwords necessary to access and use certain services, features or functions of the Buy Neuvia Serum Services. Please read our Privacy Policy, which describes the non-public, personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”) we collect, use, disclose, manage and store. “
(I don’t know what they’re talking about here! When I checked their website, I didn’t see any communities and forums!)
During times when trial memberships are offered, you agree to accept the trial membership to the Site, which gives you a 30-day supply of our product, and by accessing the Buy Neuvia Serum Services you authorize the charges set forth below and agree to the following terms and conditions:
4.1 Your trial membership will entitle you full access of the site, a 30 day supply of our product, for 14 (fourteen) days starting on the day you submit your trial membership application to the Site. Shipping may take anywhere from 1–4 business days, and we ship via USPS.
4.2 You agree that if you do not send us notice of cancellation of your trial membership at least ONE DAY from the expiration of your trial membership term, we shall automatically and without further notice:
convert your trial membership to a standard RECURRING MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION to Buy Neuvia Serum Services, our auto-shipment program, at the standard one month membership rate;
renew your monthly membership to the Buy Neuvia Serum Services for successive periods of one month each at the then current standard one-month membership rate, which on our auto-shipment program will have a new 30-day supply sent to you every month.
4.3 Subscription and Membership fees to the Site are subject to change at any time at the sole and absolute discretion of Company. The official standard one-month membership rates for the Buy Neuvia Serum Services shall be set forth at the respective join pages of the site. The current standard one-month membership rate is $92.97 Rebill after 18 days once again it is set forth at the respective join pages.
Hopped on here to update and share a new (Dec 12, 2018) #BBB study investigating #freetrialoffers