Does Mercedes Stand Behind Its Brand?When we pay more for luxury cars, does that translate to a guarantee of safety? Are the car makers’ promises guaranteed? Or, is the safety…May 12, 2021May 12, 2021
Hopped on here to offer elementary school teachers free downloads of The Thanksgiving Dinner…Here’s a link to an old press release that explains what the book is about Thanksgiving Dinner Platter Press Release.Nov 4, 2018Nov 4, 2018
Was Our Electoral College Structure Divisive From The Start?The landscape of America has changed drastically since our founders designed the electoral structure. Evidently, some of it can use a…Oct 29, 2018Oct 29, 2018
Lesson Planning The Constitution Via Its AmendmentsHopped in here to share this clever way, Jad Abumrad explains with the help of a few enlisted creative minds, the US constitution and its…Sep 23, 2018Sep 23, 2018
Y Didn’t Known Psychics Predict Trump?This is a reposting of a quick article that I had done as a Hub in 2016 before the presidential elections! It’s curious to note that many…Aug 24, 2017Aug 24, 2017
Is it too late to teach religious tolerance?I hope it isn’t too late! But, how can we think about teaching religious tolerance when we don’t teach it in schools. There is a way to do…Jun 20, 2017Jun 20, 2017
New Year Resolutions That I will Not Be Making!Happy New Year! Hurry, step aside and let in all the New Year resolutions, the fresh new agendas, and all the glimmering beautiful…Jun 20, 2017Jun 20, 2017
Sharing a 2014 interview by Manuel Cote! Here’s his link on LinkedIn! …Jun 14, 20171Jun 14, 20171
Free Beauty Trials Can Be CostlyThe quest for eternal youth has been on our horizon for thousands of years. From the Greeks to the Romans to the Japanese! ‘Fountain of…May 27, 20171May 27, 20171
The Multi-sides to William Shatner“I was built for the long run, not for the short dash, I guess,” says William Shatner and I wonder whether he knows how much this quote…Mar 13, 2017Mar 13, 2017